
Steel cord conveyor belts for general use are manufactured according to DIN 22131, with steel cable galvanized with a coating of rubber compound with excellent mechanical and chemical  properties.
This feature is particularly important for the distribution of loads between cables, absorbing local deformation, extended cycle of life and resistance connections.
To provide insulation for outside medium and from contact with products shipped, metal cord is covered with layers of rubber with special properties which provides protection even on the outer edges (beads).
Rubber coating protects cables against corrosive agents, mechanical and chemical, high temperature gaseous or flammable. If needed, the shell can be fitted with a protective plastic or metal which acts against cuts.
STEEL CORD CONVEYOR BELTS shall contain a wide range of conveyor belts with standard resistance that can be installed on existing equipment  through connections DIN 22131, their length being proportional to the classes and duties. Elongation of these belts is limited to 0.2 % of the length of service under loads up to 500 kg/cm.
These features give to these conveyor belts the adaptability for long distances of 10, 12 km or more, for elevation of  hundred meters and dual control in accordance with tension conveyor belt.
Due to their ability to cover large distances, rubber conveyor belts are used along the coast, in ports, in many deep mines, in evacuation of sterile mining, when loading the blast furnaces.

Characteristics Resistance class
ST800 ST1000 ST1250 ST1600 ST2000 ST2500 ST3150 ST4000
Breaking force of conveyor belt, N/mm width, min. 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000
Cord diameter, mm, 3,85 ±0,2 3,85 ±0,2 4,50 ±0.2 5,85 ±0,3 5,85 ±0,3 7,00 ±0,3 8,00 ±0,3 9,00 ±0,3
Cord spacing, mm 15 ±1.5 12 ±1.5 14 ±1.5 15 ±1.5 12 ±1.5 15 ±1.5 15 ±1.5 15
Thickness of rubber covers, mm, min *) 4 4 4 4 4 5 5.5 6.5
Belt thickness**) Thickness, mm Request of the client
Deviation from thickness +10 % -0.5
Length, m Request of the client
Edges rubber width, mm, min. 15
Breaking force of cord, kN, min. 13.2 13.2 19.2 26.4 26.4 41.2 52.0 66.0
Adhesion rubber/cord, N/mm, min 70 70 85 85 85 100 110 120
Width, mm Number of cords
Width Deviation from width
650 ± 7 42 51 44 40 51 40 40 40
800 ± 8 52 64 55 50 64 50 50 50
1000 ± 10 65 81 69 64 81 64 64 64
1200 ± 10 78 97 84 77 97 77 77 77
1400 ± 12 90 114 98 90 114 90 90 90
1600 ± 12 104 131 112 104 131 104 104 104
1800 ± 14 117 147 127 117 147 117 117 117
2000 ± 14 130 164 141 130 164 130 130 130
Cord corrosion protection Zinc or Brass
*) Thickness of rubber covers is specified to order of customer.
**) Belt thickness is given from addition of cord diameter and thickness of rubber covers.


Properties Cover grade
Tensile strength of rubber mixture, daN/cm2, min 180 250 200
Elongation at break of rubber mixture, %, min 400 450 400
Resistant at abrasion, mm3, max 90 120 150