Installation and maintenance of rubber tiles

sand-fundamental eng


concrete-fundamental eng


1. Installation instructions for rubber tiles on  gravel

Stages of work:

1.1. Preparation:

Excavate according to the mounting dimensions  to a depth of 10-20 cm.

1.2. Foundation and structure:

Depending on the expected amount of weight that will have to support, is recommended to prepare a background permeable , able to support this weight. The volume of displaced soil will be  replaced with gravel. This layer must be constructed of gravel with broken grained sand or gravel 0 / 35, or combination of these . The layer thus formed ,must be  arranged a bed of sand or grit ballast 2/5 . Its thickness should be 2-4 cm , with a bias that matches the pavement . This layer should be smoothed with a plank.

1.3. Installation:

Do not step on the sand bed arranged . Installing rubber tile is made by simply placing them with coupling pins . To avoid moving of the  pavement this must be fitted  between the boards of rubber . After installation of rubber flooring ,this can be immediately loaded.

2. Installation  of  rubber tiles on a solid layer:

Stages of work:

2.1. Preparation:

The surface  which follows to be bonded  with rubber tile  must be dry , free of dust and dirt. If there are problems of inequality ,itis mandatory the prior leveling.

2.3. Installation:


Then prepare adhesive bonding. The adhesive can,t be applied on the surface of fresh concrete . Rubber adhesive can be applied using a brush or a spatula on the lower edge of the plate. If you apply  adhesive to the entire surface ,this prevents water drainage and cause ice formation and deformation floors . The  consumption of the adhesive comercialized by our company  is 0.2 kg/m2. The bearing capacity of the floor depends on the base layer , in case of overload ,the rubber floor won,t be  deformed . The change in volume due to temperature variations during installation, must be taken into account . To avoid  the moving of  pavement ,this must be fit between boards of rubber .

3.Ecological pavement maintenance instructions (rubber tiles ):

Should be cleaned weekly with broom and water jet:

  • Carbon deposit can be removed with LinaxPlu

  • Rubber floor is completely resistant to the saturated salt solution and is characterized by moderate strength to  hypochlorite solution 5 %

  • In case of soilling with petrol or diesel , petrol or diesel stains should be removed immediately from the pavement surface

  • Rubber flooring should be protected from any source of flame which can  generate the fire

Methods to control the paving slabs:

For areas covered with rubber pavements ,these should be checked monthly as follows:

  • correct combination of rubber tiles

  • intentional degradation

  • drainage